Finding Purpose in the Pause

Your Guide to Thriving in Menopause and Beyond

Are you struggling with weight gain, belly fat, lack of sleep, and low energy? Are you a woman in perimenopause or menopause? You’re not alone.

Finding Purpose in the Pause will give you the nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habits to lose weight, develop muscle definition, increase energy, and slow the signs of aging.

Finding Purpose in the Pause book mockup



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The 14 Day Nutrition Detox

Do you need help getting started? The 14 Day Nutrition Detox will help you jumpstart your fitness, lose weight, reduce belly fat, and balance your hormones naturally.

Learn natural solutions to perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms in this program that I have carefully mapped out for you.

  • Reset your metabolism
  • Lose weight and belly fat
  • Support your gut and liver
  • Increase energy and sleep
  • Have better digestion and less bloating
Finding Purpose in the Pause book mockup
Finding Purpose in the Pause holding book

I have a question for you…

Does menopause feel like the end? You want to feel and look your best, but you are not sure where to start?

On average thirty + years of our lives is spent in menopause. Do you want those years to be vibrant, healthy, sexy, and strong?

It’s possible! You can break the cycle of weight gain, muscle loss, and accelerated aging.

Society has led us to believe that we should accept weight gain and belly fat as a normal sign of aging.

But most people have it all wrong…
Menopause is normal. Suffering is optional.

Finding Purpose in the Pause Is A Step-by-Step Process For…

  • Losing weight and burning fat for good without hunger or cravings
  • Learning the foods that support fat loss
  • Achieving a healthy metabolism with lifestyle habits that balance your hormones
  • Increasing energy and improving sleep
  • Discovering the right way to exercise over 40
  • Reversing the signs of aging

Hi, I’m Carol Covino.

Would you believe a bodybuilding competition in 2012 changed my life and led to my purpose in life?

I was shaking the first time I stepped on stage and asking myself “how did I get in this predicament?”

A year prior I had watched a friend do a bikini bodybuilding show. I was AMAZED at her transformation. At that moment I knew I wanted to transform my flabby “skinny fat” runners body.

But, I was nearing 50 and not sure where to start or if it was too late for me.

I understood that nutrition was key. So I hired a coach who gave me a meal and workout plan. In a few short months my body improved and I did my first bikini bodybuilding show at age 51.

I was so excited that I wanted to help other midlife women experience the same results. So I set out to learn everything I could about exercise and nutrition.

Fast forward to today. I am in my sixties and have helped over a thousand women in the past decade to lose weight, eliminate belly fat, and increase muscle.

I’m the host of the Forever Fit with Carol Covino podcast and the creator of the Slim Stomach Solution and the Fit and Fierce Over 50 program for women.

This is the book I wish I had sixteen years ago. Inside you will find a proven process to be the healthiest version of yourself in midlife and beyond.

All my best,

Carol Covino

Finding Purpose in the Pause book Carol

“Will this work for me?”

Take a deep breath and know you are in the right place.

I had my doubts in the beginning too. I remember being embarrassed to share my goal of becoming a bikini competitor at age 51. Was it truly possible for a post menopausal woman to get in the best shape of her life?

But this was a limiting self belief. It wasn’t based in reality. Deep inside many of us feel it’s too late or we are too old.

The only way to overcome these beliefs so that you can live a vibrant, healthy, purpose filled life is to simply begin… one step at a time. You are never too old and it’s never too late.

Let me walk with you through this journey to health.